Tuesday 16 February 2010

Katie Price shows lack of 'Tittiquette' at Vienna Ball

When I think of Vienna, images of dancing horses, exquisite cakes and literary greats sipping coffee and writing poetry in grand old cafes spring to mind.

My bubble really burst with the news that none other than reality-star wanna-be and queen of the most 'Chavviest' order, KATIE PRICE, was this year's honoured guest at the Vienna Opera Ball! Have we lost all sense of grace and propriety?? It's obvious that Richard Lugner - the Ball's filthy rich host, has been slowly losing his marbles in his old age.. as most men with too much money and not enough dress sense are want to do!

Richard Lugner, the Ball's host, illustrates his preferences

Not kidding sweethearts, this really takes the cake! If it wasn't for Lindsay Lohan's overzealous shop in duty free in LA, causing her to miss her flight, then we would have all been spared the embarrassment. Perhaps they should have called in the Producers from 'Ladettes to Ladies' for this one?

Lindsay goes shopping last-minute in LA Airport Duty-Free as her private jet to Vienna takes off

Meanwhile, Katie Price is hired as the first drag queen to ever have graced the ball

Priceless Katie spent more time keeping those DDD's in her gown than actually talking to guests! And I hate to think of the wardrobe malfunction that ensued on the dance floor! I just hope for Katie's sake, she got given a free copy of 'Fit For Society' - written by none other than Herr Lugner's ex-wife. A few etiquette tips would not go astray, which is more than I can say for the bosoms.



By the way, if you're curious about learning more about how to succeed as a woman in High-Society, you can buy Christina's revealing book here